viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

English laguage challenges

Hello, today I will write about my experience in the English course of social science faculty.

In general I like the language English, is very used in the actual world, but I must admit that I am not good with this.

In my opinion and experience, the course of English in the university is good, especially the quality and understanding of the teachers. They are very kind; I had two teachers of English: Beatriz Jaramillo and Claudia Marquez and I can see that they are concerned for our learning. The bad part is that you notice the difference between who know and who are having problems or difficult for understand the language.

I think that the blogs is useful for improve your writing in English; though you spend a log time. I prefer to do more activities about listening because I believe is the most difficult.

For other part, I need improve my vocabulary and pronunciation in English.  My plan for I progress with this is watch TV series in Netflix in the original language and with subtitles to practice the listening and reading.

The true is that I am not practice with much frequency the English language outside the university because ir very difficult for me. In what opportunity of the regular day someone speak English? Or write in English? Is rarely, but if you do not to do, the language is forgotten. For this, is necessary occasionally practice a litlle.

Did you like this course of English? What do you feels now in the finish?

Bye! You smile because this is the last post and the last course of in English. 

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone! Today I will write about some changes that I would like be made in the Sociology career.
I entered sociology career in 2015. In this moment I am in my fourth year of career to finish. Two years ago, sociology career changes the study programmed, consequently, students of first, second and third year have a different programme regarding to me and my classmates of the same generation. I consider that the changes for the different courses made be have been good, but is necessary make more changes to improve.
I would like adding the course called sociology of religion because is a topic very important for the career, overcoat those who we are specialized in this subject. Actually, there are courses of sociology of the culture, Political sociology, Economic sociology, Sociology of the organizations, and do not understand the reason why there are not sociology of religion!
About the workload and length of studies, I think that in some cases is exaggerated the number of text we study for a test, too the number of word for writes in essays. This takes up a lot of time with our family.
For other part, I want improve infrastructure and technology in the faculty (for example: to have a casino, resting places, a big library, more computers, etcetera)
Some teachers have strict methods for lessons (They believe all we coming of National Institute or Lyceum 1), for it often I feel in disadvantage in comparison with my fellow students. Certainly we must change this situation for the learning are not a bad experience.
Bye! Thanks for read again.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Summer plans

Hello everyone, today I will write about my plans for these summer vacations
In my case, I finish the semester the second week of January, since here I start my vacations. In summer vacations I prefer to do useful things I want to use the time to do housework, I have many things to be done, such as clean the garden of dry grass or scrub, order seasonal clothing and clean windows and walls among others.
I would also make this holiday season a terrace at the back of the house, too make a laundry and a garage to store the car. For these reasons I believe that I will not go on vacation to a place far away or for a long time, we also do not have money for this jajajajjajaj.
However, I think it is very important take a break to recharge forces. I would like visit the beach, although it one day, I would like to be with my husband and my family (my mother, my brother and my grandmother)
Some activities we can do are walk on the beach, sunbathe, to bathe in the sea, eat fruit ice cream and eat seafood empanadas (are delicious)
At the moment I do not plan to work or study on vacation because it is a time to disconnect from responsibilities and do other things.
Thanks for reading, see you son.
Remember: little time is left to finish, encourage!

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


Hello everyone, today I will write about the animals
Currently I have two cats (Champo and Champa) and three hens of pets y my house. In general I love the animals, especially the cats and birds, but I must admit that I eat meat (Do not hate me for this) I would like to have different birds as a pet (nymphs, turtledoves, thrush, chickens among others) because are lovely and funny, but I know that is a cruel treatment have locked in a cage, particularly for the wild birds.
I like exotic animals, but not as pets. Once we found a little owl in the garden, was disoriented. We took it to rehabilitation center localized in the commune of Talagante.
My favorite animals are the cats, because are hairy and very caring. Champo is a grey cat and Champa is a black cat, she has a big green eyes.
I hate the zoos; I think is a place where the people enjoy seeing the animals suffer outside their natural habitat. When I was child, I went to the zoo with my parents, but was a bad experience because I remember that the polar bear was very sad for the heat. I would not like take my kids here.
I disagree with rodeos; cock fight and dog racing because are old practice of abuse.
Finally I thinks is rare talk about this although eat animals (remember you do not hate me for this)
Bye, thanks for read 

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Posgraduates studies

Hi everyone! In this post I will write about my plans of “posgradutes studies”
To be frank with you, I would like study a postgraduate course in a very distant future, because in this moment I have other plans for my life.
Immediately after that I completed the sociology career (undergraduate), I would like work for a period of two or three years continually to have additional experience, after that I would like to be mom and the same time repair and amplify my house: add a bathroom, two rooms and expand the kitchen. Also, I would like that my husband can study a professional career.
After of all those things I would like study a postgraduate course (a diploma course, doctorate or magister) primarily to grow in knowledge. The subject area I would like study is sociology of religion, because this topic I am working in my thesis, currently I have part of antecedents, problematization and theorical framework of my subject of research named “Social Imagination of Evangelical communities in Chile”
I want to study first in Chile, and if possible in abroad (England, France or Australia) to also learn other language and know other places and cultures. I would like study in a  part time modality to have time to do other activities
Bye, thanks for read this post today!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

Hi all,
So far I had only two jobs, the first was when I was fifteen years old, at that time I was a saleswoman in a small store near my house in Padre Hurtado. The second job was for my professional practice as an accountant (middle level) in Melipilla.Althougth, I preffered more than anything to devote myself to studies at school.
Currently  I studying sociology, I am in my fourth year of university studies, I would like to work in something related, as a sociologist. I'm still not sure if I would like to work in a foundation or for a public service like some State ministry, I'm not sure if I want to work in an office (interviews analysis or data analysis) or in field work (doing interviews or groups focal).
I would like to have the opportunity to travel in my work to know other cultures and realities, I would also like in the future to specialize in a post-grade career.
I have no expectations of specific salaries, I would like to earn what is calculated as the average of the sociologists graduated from the University of Chile (around one million pesos, something better is always good). I think it is rewarding and satisfying when you get paid well for doing what you like.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite music

Hello everyone, in that occasion I will write about my favorite music.
I always liked all type the music because my father all the weekend listened different music, included different artists like Mekano, Sandro, Juan Gabriel, Michael Jackson and Queen, among others singers and bands.
Personally. I do not like a specific type of music, but I can not stand the black metal or heavy metal music. I prefer the alternative rock or pop.I started listening this kind of music when I was fifteen or sixteen years.

My favorite singer, for about nine years is Selena Gomez. She have not a special voice like other singenrs (Ariana Grande or Madonna) but she has improved. Other band that I like listening is “Hillsong”, a band of pop-rock christian; they are very recognized worldwide, because Hillsong is a famous and great church born in Australia and localizated in major countires such as United States, United Kingdom and France. The group Hisllong in Spanish were in Chile two months ago

Resultado de imagen para selena gomez
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On one side, my favorite songs are “oceans”. “way marker” and “beautiful name”, that also have versions in Spanish.
I never has been concerts because is very expensive, and I don’t have money.
Thanks for read me