viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Posgraduates studies

Hi everyone! In this post I will write about my plans of “posgradutes studies”
To be frank with you, I would like study a postgraduate course in a very distant future, because in this moment I have other plans for my life.
Immediately after that I completed the sociology career (undergraduate), I would like work for a period of two or three years continually to have additional experience, after that I would like to be mom and the same time repair and amplify my house: add a bathroom, two rooms and expand the kitchen. Also, I would like that my husband can study a professional career.
After of all those things I would like study a postgraduate course (a diploma course, doctorate or magister) primarily to grow in knowledge. The subject area I would like study is sociology of religion, because this topic I am working in my thesis, currently I have part of antecedents, problematization and theorical framework of my subject of research named “Social Imagination of Evangelical communities in Chile”
I want to study first in Chile, and if possible in abroad (England, France or Australia) to also learn other language and know other places and cultures. I would like study in a  part time modality to have time to do other activities
Bye, thanks for read this post today!

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm afraid to think that you have your life armed and I do not know what to do tomorrow. Our realities are very different from those people of facso

  2. You have all very clear about your future, it´s fine! I wish you great success in all your endeavors :)
