viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Personal Information on Internet

I think the internet is very dangerous for our personal information. There are people who are only interested in making others feel bad, bothering them, harassing them and using the information against them. But there are ways to take care of ourselves that often depend on our responsibility,for example, the privacy settings of each social network.

In my case, I have an account on these social networks: Facebook and Instagram. In the first, I only accept people I know personally, but in the second, I follow and follow me people I do not know face to face, because is a more open social network, where I can know about stores, places and lifes of people  famous that interest to me.

My favorite social network is facebook, because I consider it complete, you can share events, images, information, reflections, comment, react, etc. I share here some biblical reflections and photos, any other information, such as saying what I do every day or "how I feel", I do not like to share it because I think it is showing too much to the world.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with regard that the social networks is a very dangerous, it´s scary to think that someone can use one our picture to find our address.
