viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Hi everyone
Today I will talk about the next topic:food detected me “irritable bowel syndrome”, a disease of the intestine caused mainly by the central nervous system. When I am stressend or nervous the food hurt me (It so sad)
For this reason I am on a strict diet to prevent it. For example, is prohibited for me eating lactose, red meats, sausages, fruits with much sugar and flatulent vegetables.
I like fish and seafood, but my favorite food is sushi, especially the stuffed shrimp and wrapped in avocado.

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I like to cook, at home I mainly cook, I like to get new cooking recipes and experiment new mixtures and flavors with the dressings
Due to my irritable bowel I can not eat processed food, so I avoid eating what they sell in the university. I always bring my lunch to take care of my bowel.
I do not usually go to restaurant because I do not have money, but without fail with my husband we ask for sushi at home about two or three times a month.

Thanks for read J

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

The best Holidays

My best vacations were in March 2017, after to my marriage (in february) and before back to classes in the university.  
For three days and two nights, with my husband living in a small wooden hut in “Isla Negra”, localizated in the south of the commune of Quisco , Region of  Valparaíso. (This is a famous place for it has the house –and museum- of the chilean  poet Pablo Neruda.) It was our honeymoon  that our family paid, it was a surprise gift for us.
Outside of the wooden hut there are a large pool and a tub with hot water for relax, we could also reach the beach by walking for five minutes. In  those three days we bathed  in the beach, we had breakfast in the balcony and  the best: we ate many empanadas of diverse seafood.  
It has been  the best holidays because it was the precise place (very quiet) in the precise time (hardly any people) and with the precise person  (my husband).  This  moment was for rest, I don’t  need to go to France for to be pleased.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


I really do not like to travel, because don´t feel good in the bus or subway (Can you imagine me in a airplane?). I prefer to be at home, care my garden, but if I will have the possibility -and money- to travel to another country, I would like visit a neighboring country in the south of America: Peru. because it has beautiful places and is near. 

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I would be interested to be there because I follow two peruvian programs of television through social networks, so I know what happens there, and some popular slang of Peru (I like how they talk)

One of the things that I would like to do is visit Machu Picchu, and to eat because Peruvian food is delicious (told me that). I really like ceviche  

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I would only like to visit there, because working or studying in Peru (and in any other country), would be difficult for me because I could miss my family, my cats and my chicken.

Anyway, I hope to know Peru because I have a friend who traveled there and she told me wonderful experiences of this country.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Personal Information on Internet

I think the internet is very dangerous for our personal information. There are people who are only interested in making others feel bad, bothering them, harassing them and using the information against them. But there are ways to take care of ourselves that often depend on our responsibility,for example, the privacy settings of each social network.

In my case, I have an account on these social networks: Facebook and Instagram. In the first, I only accept people I know personally, but in the second, I follow and follow me people I do not know face to face, because is a more open social network, where I can know about stores, places and lifes of people  famous that interest to me.

My favorite social network is facebook, because I consider it complete, you can share events, images, information, reflections, comment, react, etc. I share here some biblical reflections and photos, any other information, such as saying what I do every day or "how I feel", I do not like to share it because I think it is showing too much to the world.